Saturday 15 April 2017

Work in progress - Leman Russ

With the Taurox finished I pulled another previously started and abandoned vehicle from a box.

The Leman Russ had been previously base coated in middlestone and as I want to keep to a small primary palette so that the army looks cohesive I had a look around for a camouflage pattern that could use that colour. While looking at Desert Rats I'd come across Lt. Smash's excellent Sherman build article and decided to use the pattern described there as a basis for this tank.

The original historical image shows a Sherman at El Alamein in a two-tone wavy pattern with the colours separated by a thin lighter line.
I wanted a somewhat more regular pattern - my preference is for the Imperial Guard use a rather stylized camouflage, to give the idea of camouflage rather than a faithful recreation.

As the model was already primed, and based coated in the darker colour I masked off the lower section using curves made from Blu-Tack (sticky tack / poster putty) plus masking tape and airbrushed the upper sections Buff.
Once dry and the masking removed a freehand line was painted between the sections in Light Green Blue (which is the same silvery grey colour I'm using as part of the Caunter pattern on the Taurox). It still needs further clean up / touch up, but I think it's getting there.

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