Friday 21 April 2017

Completing the Hydras

Following on from the previous work in progress the Hydras got washed with a filter coat of Soft Tone diluted with Army Painter wash medium. This was the first time I'd tried the medium and while the wash was less runny and much more controllable than with water, I was adding less medium than I was previously adding water so the colour was stronger - it could perhaps have used more dilution.  The tracks and guns got a similar wash but with Strong Tone.

After the wash was dry I applied a mix of Vallejo ochre pigment and fixer. This slurry was adding to the crevices of the tracks and anywhere that looked like to might pick up dirt and sand.I may have gone a bit overboard with this, and subsequently removed excess. As an aside the camera (which is on my wife's Samsung J5 phone) is merciless. The progress photo shows fibers from the cotton bud / Q-tip I was using to remove pigment (along with every other flaw and blemish).

I worked around the models cleaning up missed bits and errors. Added some soot blackening to the engine deck, and side vents (or whatever they are), and gun barrels. I also realized that I'd neglected the skull and scroll on the sides... which is of course what you want to notice after you've just done the weathering. Some bone paint, amateurish calligraphy, another wash, and varnish later; two Sand Scorpion Hydras ready to smite the Emperor's flying enemies.

Now, back to that Leman Russ...

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