Sunday 7 May 2017

Finished - M3 Stuart tank in Caunter camouflage

The finished M3 Stuart "Honey" tank.

So, despite some trepidation around my first use of weathering enamels they performed marvellously with much better results than the acrylics I've used to date. After base coating and decals the model was varnished as I've seen recommended before using enamels.
The AMMO of Mig Jimenez Ochre for Light Sand filter was used first and applied over all surfaces. I watched a couple of videos first and tried to follow the advice of not letting it puddle or settle. This seemed easier than with previous attempts using Acrylics and didn't leave any patchy water-stains.

Once this was dry the AK Interactive Africa Dust was brushed on wherever I though dust and grime would settle: in panel lines, around running gear, at ridges in the armour, and so on. I used a little on the commander as well to add dust to his KD uniform shirt.

Finally the AK North Africa dust pigment was added in places that looked like they should have the most dust build up, and sealed in place with varnish.  A little Tamiya soot was added to the gun, and everything given a coat of AK Ultra Matte varnish. Perhaps a bit more dust could have been used, but I'd rather go lighter this time than overwhelm the small model.

Pictures from a couple of other angles to try and show the grime build up on the frontal armour...
and around the right side.
When I was looking for reference shots I found a rather nice original photo of soldiers of the New Zealand Divisional Cavalry on a Stuart tank in the National Alexander Turnbull library (FA-02569-F) - though this tank isn't in Caunter. It was interesting however to see how closely the pose of the Perry Miniatures commander mirrors that of driver Harry Spencer.
Now, back to the Cadians, or further distractions? Hmmm... I think I hear a Konflict '47 Grizzly calling me.

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