Friday 30 March 2018

Pike and Shotte Scots - Command

Continuing on from my uniform experiment for Scots in Swedish service I've completed he rest of the pike block and the command figures sans a flag which is on its way from Flags of War.

The plan was to have command that reinforced the Scottish nature of the regiment, but were in continental dress as the troops aren't red shank recruits. The Ensign and musician are in colours richer than but still similar to the troops. The Sergeant (who I fancy is something of a rogue, and perhaps a former border reiver) is more elaborate, and the commander has touches of brass work to emphasize his relative wealth.

All of the command are from Warlord Games, from a variety of their packs.

The besotted Ensign (who'll be getting a green flag with a white saltire), from Command group 3, and Sergeant in a burgonet helm from Command group 1. Quite a few of the Warlord figures are wearing sashes (far more common I understand in the ECW than among the Protestants in the TYW). In this case turning it into a bit of plaid that he's kept as a blanket or cloak seemed appropriate.

The regimental commander, a Scottish Laird who's kept his blue bonnet and chief's eagle feather, and his trusty piper, from the Covenanters box set.

Bases are still a ways off - the plan is for a single base for the unit, after getting inspired by David Bickley's awesome Italian Wars project, but very approximately the block should look something like this.

The pike block will be 5 x 3 as the Swedish blocks had fewer ranks than earlier formations, while the wings of shot will be 2 ranks deep.  The pike are planned to be on a 120mm square base (with a lot of empty space at the front to accommodate the pikes), while the shot will be on 120mm x 60mm.  At 5 ranks wide there is no need to reform for column (once the four ranks of muskets are behind the pike, resulting in more rows than columns).

Next up are probably the shot... unless I get distracted by something shiny.

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