Thursday 11 January 2018

LRDG & SAS troops

Some disreputable lads and their "borrowed" truck.

The first infantry finished for my Bolt Action Behind Enemy Lines force.

I decided I could tackle 10 without feeling overwhelmed and settled on a dismounted LRDG officer and his #2 along with a full strength SAS section, to ride in my captured Opel Blitz (which will be a "counts as" 30 cwt truck with a transport capacity of 10, rather than its original size).
All of the figures used are from Artizan, mostly from their SAS and LRDG range, though the chap with the Vickers K snuck in from the Commandos.

The figures were all primed with Stynylrez yellow and then basecoated largely following Artizan's 8th Army North Africa Colour Guide (PDF). Most of the paints used were the listed Vallejo colours, the flesh is Reaper MSP tanned flesh and flesh wash.
Army Painter Light tone was then used on the KD uniform, beige webbing, berets, and keffiyeh, while Soft tone was used on the darker woolen uniform. Military shader was used on the officer's khaki jersey and the khaki knitted hats.
After the washes highlights were applied in lightened tones of the base colours, and the figures based with fairly simple sand.
LRDG officer and his rather rough looking assistant.
These two could be SAS but just felt like LRDG to me, so the officer has a little brass badge on his hat for a scorpion.
SAS NCO, Vickers K gunner and loader
The NCO of the SAS section got a small plant on his base (like the officer) to make him easy to identify. The section only has a single LMG but it's been upgraded to a Vickers K, though the eagle-eyed will notice that his loader is rather unhelpfully carrying extra Bren clips. I'll have to add some round drums to another loader and swap this chap to a Bren team later.
SAS lads up to no good
The fellow on the left has a large pair of bolt cutters and is rather suspiciously clutching a satchel that's likely to contain something dangerous.
Rest of the section
Two riflemen and another Thompson wielding keffiyeh wearer round out the eight man SAS section.

So, that's HQ and one section, one more section and it'll be a legitimate (albeit, small) force ready to accompany my two LRDG trucks, and truck with Breda.

The second section will however also need transport, but fortunately for them the nice people at Rubicon recently released a CMP 15 cwt, which may be next up on the table.

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