Saturday 30 September 2017

Reaper Yeti

Another not very productive month on the miniatures front, but I managed to squeak something else out before October. After the Hill Giants I thought continuing to work on the Bones would be good and picked out the four Yeti (or is that "Yetis"?) sculpted by Jason Wiebe from the Reaper Bones III Kickstarter.  Three of the four are available now in Bones from the Reaper store: Yeti Warrior, Yeti Shredder, and Yeti Shaman. The Chieftain doesn't seem to be available just yet in Bones, only in the original metal.

The Bones figures are all pretty good, though comparing with the metals it appears that the fingernails / claws of the new figures perhaps lack some definition. There are also the to-be-expected Bones mould lines, which I personally find quite hard to see before undercoating and then alarmingly obvious afterwards.
The Yeti were undercoated with a mix of MSP Sapphire Blue and Sealer, thinned for the airbrush. At the same time I undercoated the Ice Troll by Ben Siens, also available in Bones. (Interestingly the metal original is listed a "Hellborn Troll".)  He got a similar undercoat but with Denim Blue (and turns up in some of the photos).
The Yeti got some blue wash (AP Blue Tone) followed by several dry-brush applications, each lighter and dryer than the previous. The first coat was 2:1 White to Sapphire Blue, then 4:1, and then 12:1, and finally MSP Pure White.

MSP Yellowed Bone, Graveyard Bone, and Splintered Bone were applied to claws, and the skull on the Chieftain's shoulder. AP Phoenix Flames followed by Babe Blonde was used for the eyes, and AP Gorgon Hide for eyebrows. MSP Stone Grey to stone details, and MSP Murky Brown, Tanned Leather, and Oiled leather used for final areas.
The bases had also been painted in AP Gorgon Hide (a pale bluish off-white), and were coated with thinned PVA and scattered with Army Painter "Snow" grit.
The Ice Troll is still to be finished, along with an intrepid (and about to be seriously inconvenienced) Arctic Explorer, and Ogres are also clamoring for attention... along with an LRDG truck.

Oh well, perhaps October will be more productive.


  1. Look good! Where did you get the Arctic explorer? I've been looking for 1/72 figures in Arctic garb for a diorama of The Thing From Another World.

    1. Thanks Scott. :) The explorer is also from Reaper, originally offered as part of the Mythos Expansion in their Bones 3 Kickstarter. He's available separately now:

      Unfortunately he's going be rather over 1/72; like most of their figures he's heroic-ish 28mm, and he's the only one they make.

      Still too big, but you might want to check out Copplestone's Polar Perils range:

      Good luck with the diorama.
