Friday 14 July 2017

Konflikt 47 US Heavy Infantry

Work and other activities continue to reduce painting, but I did manage to complete five US Heavy Infantry for Konflikt '47.
The figures were primed with Vallejo Olive Drab surface primer before being base coated with VMA Olive Drab.
AK Interactive paints from a US Army set supplied red leather, canvas tone, field drab, and olive green for the belts, pouches, boots, and bits of equipment on the models. The US flags and the Sgt.'s stripes came courtesy of some Warlord paratrooper decals.
After sealing the acrylic an Ammo of Mig enamel wash was used - the same as for the M5A2 Coyote. I'd decided that as these models were encased in heavy armor that I'd treat them almost as mini-vehicles and repeat the same weathering techniques that I'd used on the walker, just a little less heavily.
The figures got some scavenged 30mm bases - the standard Warlord bases looked just a little small, but the Warlord 40mm bases looked huge.  These ones were donated by some Dreamforge troopers and seem to fir well. The bases were finished with some flock and Army Painter "tufts".

One of these days I might even have a finished Konflikt '47 force... just have to actually paint some standard infantry now.

Next up though there are two LRDG 30cwt trucks that are ever-so-slowly moving towards completion.

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