Sunday 2 August 2020

Rubicon LRDG Chevy 30cwt Truck

An addition to the LRDG/SAS Bolt Action force, I'd been keen to get one of Rubicon's Chevrolet WB 30cwt trucks since they were released but had been putting it off as I still have two Warlord ones in the pile 'o' shame... but in the end I broke down and got one.

As it was a plastic kit, and the under-carriage was separate parts I decided to try out painting in sub-assemblies. The Rubicon crew are quite nice, but being true-scale 1/56th don't fit very well with the rest of my platoon that predominately uses Artizan Designs figures. The Rubicon crew went into the bits box and the truck got some spare crew from Company B. This required a bit of fiddling about to get them to fit (especially with the steering wheel) but worked out OK. The twin Vickers K for the front seat passenger was added from a Rubicon (Commonwealth) version jeep.

The body of the truck and the crew were primed  with Stynylrez neutral yellow, the undercarriage with grey, and the rest of the base coat painting was as for previous LRDG trucks

Pink and blue camouflage added. This time though I checked my earlier notes and kept the pink brighter, in order that it would still be somewhat visible after weathering.

After finishing this step I couldn't help but feel that more stowage was needed. There is some provided (the rolls on the front guards, and the POW cans on the running boards) but even after putting the spare tire in the back in just looked rather empty.

I raided my Rubicon stowage sprues and assembled a small collection of suitable bits and pieces to provide a feeling on the truck being full of stowage, without having the actually completely fill the back tray. These were painted in olive drab, olive green, and a variety of browns.

With the stowage in place, and decals added the bulk of the painting was complete and it was time to fit the crew and weather the model. Weathering was the same as for the previous trucks and the first half-strength filter was added to the crew as well to give them a dusty look and blend them in with the vehicle.

And that's it. Another truck for the LRDG / SAS force.

If anyone is interested in the scale / fit between the brands, this last photo shows, left to right: Warlord, Offensive Miniatures, Rubicon, and Warlord LRDG trucks. Height-wise the Rubicon is a little taller than the others (a result of of the detailed undercarriage) but it's not a significant difference.

Next up.... hmmm.... Necrons I think.