Tuesday 20 February 2018

LRDG & SAS Platoon finished


Although the second section made for a legitimate Behind Enemy Lines force it was rather small and some support options were needed to fill it out: an MMG team, a sniper team, and a forward air observer join the two sections and armed trucks.

While the British get a free artillery observer it didn't feel right to use one with this list as they're likely miles behind the lines blowing up an airbase or an ammo dump.  I'd picked up the Warlord figure of Flying Officer CFC Lee, and decided to give him the Company B Blitz Buggy as a "counts-as" Jeep for transport. The buggy model had a few problems; the wheels attach directly to the body without axles, which is OK on the rear, but difficult at the front, and the resin had a fair bit of pitting on the surface.  I built a couple of axles out of pipe, and coated the surface in thinned PVA which helped with the worst of the effect.

The machine gun team was interesting as I hadn't built a team weapon before. I'd seen some examples with removable extra crew magnetized to a larger base and wanted to try that out. I attached two of the crew to small round (Perry) bases drilled for magnets and matched these up to the base. Bits of another base were used to lift the gunner to the same height. The coolant pipe is a piece of paperclip wire.

The base was puttied up with some Green Stuff, and I built a bit of stowage for the rear of the buggy, using some foam board to lift some Rubicon bits and pieces.

The figures were painted in the same way as the other SAS and LRDG troops, though I'd refined things a little this time by base coating VMC Dark Sand with the air brush. It's the majority colour on all of the figures - I don't know why I didn't do it earlier. I also stopped fussing around with adding green to khaki for some pieces and just used VMA US Olive Drab.

The Blitz Buggy was painted in a simple single colour of UK Light Stone and weathered like the previous vehicles.

Sniper in a tropal coat, with his spotter.

Vickers Medium Machine Gun team with the extra crew magnetized for removal as casualties.

Forward Air Observer and his assistant with their transport.

Army List

 Built using the excellent EasyArmy.com, a 1000 point Behind Enemy Lines list.

Second Lieutenant  Veteran  78
 1  Second Lieutenant
 1  Infantry
Infantry Squads
SAS Infantry Section  Veteran  195
 1  NCO with Submachine gun
 2  Infantry with Rifle
 4  Infantry with Submachine gun
 1  Vickers K LMG (requires loader)
 Entire squad equipped with anti-tank grenades
 Who Dares Wins!
Behind enemy lines
SAS Infantry Section  Veteran  212
 1  NCO with Submachine gun
 2 Infantry with Light Machine gun (requires loader)
 5  Infantry with Submachine gun
 Entire squad equipped with anti-tank grenades
 Who Dares Wins!
Behind enemy lines
Forward Observer
Forward Observer (Air)  Regular  85
 1 Air Force Forward Observer
 1  Infantry
Machine Gun
Machine Gun team  Regular  50
 1 Medium Machine gun team
Sniper team  Veteran  50
 1 Sniper team
Armoured Cars
LRDG Armed Truck  Veteran  54
 1 LRDG Armed truck
Forward facing MMG
Rear facing MMG
LRDG Armed Truck  Veteran  54
 1 LRDG Armed truck
Forward facing MMG
Rear facing MMG
LRDG Armed Truck with 20mm light autocannon  Veteran  89
 1 LRDG Armed Truck
Forward facing MMG
20mm light autocannon
Pintle-mounted HMG
30 CWT Truck  Regular  35
15 CWT Truck  Regular  31
15 CWT Truck  Regular  31
Jeep (Blitz Buggy)  Regular  21
 Points  1000

And that's that.

So... another platoon, or a new project.  It might be time to pull a few half-finished Ogres out of storage, or there's British Airborne... or 2nd NZ Div in the desert, or in Italy, or the Home Guard, or Plague Marines... oh dear.

Friday 2 February 2018

LRDG & SAS second section

SAS Section #2 completed, and with them a legitimate Bolt Action Behind Enemy Lines force... albeit a small one.

The troops were painted in very much the same way as the first section, though as I go I'm refining and streamlining the process.
Primed with Stynylrez yellow, basecoated in Sand, English Uniform, Khaki, and the rest - almost all Vallejo Model Colour (VMC) or Model Air (VMA) - and then washed with diluted Army Painter inks.
I thought I'd list the paints and washes used... this way I have a reminder for the next set of figures.

Basecoats and ink washes

Item Colour Paint Wash
SAS Beret Beige VMC German Camo Beige 70.821 Light
Cap Comforter Khaki VMC Khaki 70.988 + green tint Soft
Helmet Sand VMC Dark Sand 70.847 Light
Keffiyeh/Shemagh Off-white Reaper Bone shades Light
Khaki Drill Uniform Sand VMC Dark Sand 70.847 Light
Serge Wool Uniform Khaki VMC English Uniform 70.921 Soft
Leather Jerkin Brown VMC Flat Brown 70.984 Strong
Webbing and pouches Beige VMC German Camo Beige 70.821 Light
Socks Khaki VMC English Uniform 70.921 Soft
Anklets / Gaiters Beige VMC German Camo Beige 70.821 Light
Boots - Officers Brown Soft
Boots - Soldiers Black VMA Black Grey 71.056 Dark
Gun stocks and handles Brown VMC Flat Brown 70.984 Mid-Brown
Gun Metal Black/Metal VMA Black Grey 71.056 dry-brushed with VMC Oily Steel 70.865 Dark / Nuln Oil
Skin Flesh Reaper Tanned Flesh Reaper Flesh Wash


  • I wanted the Cap Comforter a slightly greener Khaki for better contrast, and added a small amount of VMA Russian Green 4BO to the mix.
  • For hair and beards a variety of browns to hands were used.
  • The post wash highlight on both the KD and webbing was Dark Sand lightened with Reaper Yellowed bone.
Sealed with AK Interactive Ultra Matte, and based simply using Citadel sand.

Trooper in Arab shemagh, and section NCO with Sten and original white SAS beret
Trooper with standard beige SAS beret, and one who's retained his Scot's tam o' shanter.
Bren gunner #1 and loader.
Bren gunner #2 and loader. This Bren gunner is the only figure in the group not from Artizan, being the Warlord figure given away with the Duel in the Sun campaign book.
Rear shot of the two. This loader is actually getting traded with the loader from 1st section. I'd noted previously that the 1st section loader was carrying Bren ammo despite his gunner having a Vickers K.  This chap has a bag of ammo and I added a Vickers drum to his belt to sort out the mismatch.

With 1st section, an Officer and assistant, two transport trucks (one each 30cwt and 15cwt), and three LRDG armed trucks the forces comes in around 800 points, so I think they're going to need a little support... probably a Vickers MMG is next.